Effective leaders strive to better understand everybody’s work experience and their individual goals. Effective leaders also value each person’s talent and experience and what he or she has to offer as a full participant in the company’s mission, goals, and success. With this in mind, we use the following questions to guide regular discussions at Transformation Systems, Inc.:
- How satisfied are you with your job? Can you tell me what you believe might increase your level of satisfaction?
- How clearly are your job responsibilities defined? Would you like to receive additional communication of expectations and clarification of your responsibilities? If so, can you tell me more about that?
- How much continuous feedback do you receive to help you achieve? Would you like additional feedback and/or additional encouragement? If so, can you tell me more?
- What are your perceptions of the attitudes, relationships, and happiness in your business unit and throughout the company?
- What changes in attitudes, relationships, and happiness, if any, would you like to see? What could help make that difference?
- Does working at a company with a mobile and sometimes virtual workforce enable your creativity and/or have a beneficial impact on your life? If so, how?
- How does being an employee here compare favorably to other organizations where you may have worked? Unfavorably?
- What is the single most important change you think should be made that would help you flourish as a professional here?
- Is there additional clarity you would like around our strategic plan including vision, mission, guiding principles, values, strategic goals, and tactical objectives?
- Is there anything else you would like to share with me regarding your work experience?