Define and understand what it means to be on purpose and how to remain there. It’s easy to get distracted and discouraged by the million things in your life. But...
Weigh carefully the potential consequences of quoting other people and spreading gossip. This means guarding against attribution and retribution. First, attributing statements to others out of context can be misleading....
With the proper sentiment, mindset, knowledge, and tools, leaders can empower multitudes of talented people to collectively bring about required change or to maintain needed stability. Over the past twenty-plus...
Research examining the characteristics of innovative federal leaders to determine their common leadership traits reveals that they demonstrate “great resilience and vision” and are “all able to network and collaborate...
Effective leadership lies at the core of an energized enterprise. As outlined in my last post, Signs of Effective Leadership, the evidence is in the energy when you walk in...
People who advance to the leading edge of performance have organizational mastery. They are driven to be total systems thinkers, and they integrate people, products, and processes. Individuals with organizational...